2024 Summer Webinar Series

This summer, TRACE is offering a multilingual, short webinar series, highlighting TRACE membership and the benefits offered to corporate and SME TRACE members. Our first session will highlight TRACE’s partner firm program, followed by an overview of TRACE benefits in French (session two) and German (session three).

Session One:
Highlighting the Benefits of the TRACE Partner Firm Network 
7.31.24 Webinar-2
Date: Wednesday, 31 July 2024
Time: 10:00 am EDT (3:00 pm BST)
Language: English
TRACE Facilitator: Emma Rathmann, Legal Researcher & Partner Firm Project Manager


In the first session of the series, Emma Rathmann will describe the TRACE partner firm program and the multitude of ways in which you can use the information shared by our more than 140 TRACE partner law firms. Providing an overview of the resources shared by TRACE partner firms including the Country Bulletins and Gifts & Hospitality Guideline, Emma will also provide suggestions on how to better align your compliance program with local laws throughout the globe by effectively utilizing TRACE partner firm materials.
This webinar has already taken place
 Sessions Two and Three:
Spotlight on TRACE Membership Benefits


In sessions two and three, join David Ireland and Lina Steiner as they provide an overview of TRACE membership benefits, describing how the various tools made available to TRACE members can help multinational companies expand and adapt their compliance program to meet ever-changing compliance requirements.
Session Two
Session Three
Date: Tuesday, 20 August 2024
Time: 16h CET / 10h HAE
Language: French
TRACE Facilitator: David Ireland, Consultant Global


Lors de la deuxième session, rejoignez David Ireland qui partagera avec vous des informations utiles sur les avantages offerts aux membres de TRACE. David décrira comment ces outils peuvent aider les toute entreprisesmultinationales à renforcer et à adapter son programme de conformité pour répondre à des exigences de conformité en constante évolution. 


This webinar has already taken place
Date: Tuesday, 10 September 2024
Time: 16h CET / 10h HAE
Language: German
TRACE Facilitator: Lina Steiner, Member Services Associate

Begleiten Sie Lina Steiner in der dritten Sitzung, während sie wertvolle Erkenntnisse über die Vorteile unserer TRACE-Mitglieder teilt. Lina wird Tools und Ressourcen vorstellen, die jedem globalen multinationalen Unternehmen dabei helfen können, sein Compliance-Programm zu erweitern und anzupassen, um den sich ständig weiterentwickelnden Compliance-Anforderungen gerecht zu werden.


This webinar has already taken place